root canal treatment

Preparing for a root canal may seem daunting, but at Hermitage Dental Group, we’re committed to guiding you through it with some helpful tips. Whether you’re unsure about the pre-procedure do’s and don’ts, or just need some reassurance, we’ve got you covered with expert advice.

Absolutely No Alcohol or Tobacco

Avoid alcohol and tobacco for at least 24 hours before your procedure. These substances can create an oral environment that’s less than ideal for your surgery and increase the risk of complications. Additionally, alcohol can thin your blood, heightening the likelihood and severity of bleeding. Remember to steer clear of these products after your root canal as well.

No All-Nighters or Fasting

It’s essential to arrive for your procedure well-rested and nourished. A good night’s sleep and a nutritious meal can make all the difference in how your body handles the root canal and recovers afterward. Since eating might be uncomfortable post-procedure, a substantial meal beforehand will help you focus on healing.

Don’t Let Your Mind Race

We know root canals have a reputation that can cause anxiety. Despite the horror stories, we’re here to assure you there’s nothing to fear. Modern technology has made root canals comparable to a regular dental filling. While they are a serious procedure, specialists are well equipped to handle them. Knowledge is powerful, so ask us anything that’s on your mind. Understanding the procedure, what to expect, and the tools we use can provide you with the comfort you need.

Quality Dental Care and Root Canal Therapy in Hermitage, TN

If you’re gearing up for a root canal and wondering about the best approach, contact Hermitage Dental Group for more guidance or to schedule an appointment. Our friendly staff is ready to assist you and ensure your visit is as smooth as possible!

Contact Us

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Side view of a human skull with the muscles and ligaments around the temporomandibular joint of the jaw

TMJ is short for temporomandibular joint, which is the joint that lets you open and close your jaw. When there’s something wrong with your TMJ, it can cause a whole lot of pain in your jaw that radiates throughout your face, neck, and upper back. You can also experience frequent headaches.

How a Mouthguard Can Help TMJ Issues

Treatment depends on the severity of your TMJ dysfunction (TMD). One possible option is a custom mouthguard. A mouthguard for TMD works in a variety of ways. It stops you from clenching and grinding because it acts as a barrier between your upper and lower teeth. It also repositions your jaw so that you have a less problematic alignment. It helps your jaw muscles relax overall. All together, this means less pain and discomfort for you. Plus, a TMJ mouthguard offers a nonsurgical treatment option so you don’t necessarily have to go through jaw surgery.

Custom vs. Generic Mouthguards

While you can find a generic mouthguard online or at your local drugstore that’s advertised to help with TMJ issues, it’s safer and more effective to get one custom made instead. By leaving this beneficial oral appliance in the hands of a professional, you can rest assured that the device is specifically made for your teeth with the right alignment and fit. Not only will this be more comfortable for you but it’ll also work better. Plus, whatever you can find online may not be made with medical-grade materials and won’t prove to be a long-lasting investment.

Consult with Our Team!

If you have TMJ disorder and you’re interested in getting treatment, please contact Hermitage Dental Group. Our team offers a variety of TMJ therapies, including BOTOX injections, and we can help determine which one is right for you. Generally, we recommend the most conservative treatment possible before moving onto more aggressive treatments. Contact us today to learn more!

side view of senior couple hugging outside in a grassy meadow at sunset

Dental patients these days have more options than ever before. If there’s something wrong with your smile, whether a tooth is causing you pain or you simply don’t like how your teeth look, then there are a multitude of treatments that could potentially remedy your situation. If you’re dealing with many different smile issues, a full-mouth reconstruction may be the solution to get you back to a beautiful, well-functioning smile.

What Is Full-Mouth Reconstruction?

Full-mouth reconstruction is a broad term for when multiple restorative dental treatments are used to fix the function and appearance of someone’s smile. This process can also be called a smile makeover. The kind of treatments required in your full-mouth reconstruction plan depend entirely on the current state of your oral health, your goals, and your budget.

Some of the most common treatments utilized in a full-mouth reconstruction include tooth replacement options like dental implants, bridges, or dentures; cosmetic services like veneers and teeth whitening; and other procedures like orthodontics and bonding.

Candidates for Full-Mouth Reconstruction

Are you dealing with multiple dental issues? That could mean missing permanent teeth, severe decay, broken teeth from dental trauma, or a variety of other things. If the answer is yes, then you could be a good candidate for full-mouth reconstruction.

The best way to know if full-mouth reconstruction is for you is to contact your dentist and schedule an in-person consultation with them. They will look closely at your current dental situation through a visual check and dental X-rays to determine what kind of treatments you may need.

Reach Out to Our Team!

We are proud to offer our Hermitage community comprehensive oral healthcare, including smile makeover services. So if you’re ready to take the next step toward a full-mouth reconstruction, please contact Hermitage Dental Group today!

Illustration of problematic wisdom teeth that need to be removed

Do you have a wisdom teeth removal appointment coming up on your calendar? While you may not be super excited about it,  you’ll be grateful you took care of getting these problematic teeth removed. As you get ready for the appointment, here are several things that you should know:

1. Post-Procedure Discomfort Is Normal

While your dental team does everything they can to minimize any discomfort you might be feeling during the actual wisdom teeth removal, it’s completely normal to feel some discomfort in the afterman as the local anesthetic and/or dental sedation wears off. This shouldn’t last more than a few days and will lessen over time. Use an ice pack and sit and sleep with an extra pillow to manage swelling. Your dentist will give you information about what pain medication to use as well.

2. Using a Straw Afterward Is a No-No

The suction that’s created when you use a straw can actually dislodge the blood clots that your body is forming in the treatment areas. These are vital for proper healing. Stick to normal until you’ve fully recovered. Otherwise, the clots can dislodge, causing intense pain and delayed healing.

3. You Will Need a Designated Driver

Depending on what kind of anesthesia or sedation you’re getting for your wisdom teeth removal, it’s very likely that you’ll need someone to drive you home after the procedure is finished. You won’t be in the right condition to drive yourself safely, so it’s time to call in that favor with your friend or family member.

4. Rest, Drink Water & Eat Soft Foods

You should focus on resting as much as possible after your procedure. Additionally, drink plenty of water and take it easy when eating. Stick to soft foods, like yogurt, scrambled eggs, applesauce, smoothies (without little seeds), mashed potatoes, pureed soups, and bananas. Avoid hard and crunchy foods that can irritate your extraction sites, like pretzels, chips, and hard bread.

If you’re looking for more tips about handling wisdom teeth extraction, then don’t be shy and contact us at Hermitage Dental Group. As providers of wisdom teeth removal, we would be more than happy to share some additional information about what goes on during the procedure and what happens afterward during the recovery process. We’re also here for any of your other dental needs so feel free to call or email us to set up your next appointment.

Wisdom teeth image from Authority Dental under CC 2.0

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Are you wondering when a dental extraction is necessary? There are many factors that go into determining whether or not a tooth extraction is needed. Keep reading to learn more about extractions and how to know if you may need one.

Reasons You May Need a Dental Extraction

Extractions can be performed for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Making space for teeth to come in – Sometimes baby teeth don’t fall out on their own and need to be extracted. If stubborn baby teeth are left in place, the adult teeth can fail to grow in or start to grow sideways through the gumline or into the path of other teeth.
  • Severely decayed teeth – An extraction is needed if a cavity or infection has damaged a tooth past saving. Leaving severely decayed teeth in the mouth can cause halitosis, the infection to spread, and chronic tooth pain.
  • Troublesome wisdom teeth – Many people struggle with their wisdom teeth when there isn’t room for them to grow in properly. If your wisdom teeth aren’t coming in right, the best course of action is to remove them before they damage your existing teeth or throw off your tooth alignment.

Tooth Replacement Solutions

If you need a dental extraction, don’t fear! Hermitage Dental Group does all we can to make you comfortable during the procedure. And if you need a tooth replacement, there are many solutions to help you regain a full smile! We can help you decide if a dental bridge, dentures, or dental implants are the right option for you.

Comprehensive Dental Care

When it comes to dental extractions, they aren’t something to be taken lightly. At Hermitage Dental Group, we exhaust all treatment options before performing gentle, stress-free tooth extractions. And we offer a variety of tooth replacement options so that you won’t have a gap left in your smile! Please contact our office if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment at our office.

Tooth extraction image from Authority Dental under CC 2.0

Brunette woman in a plaid shirt cringes in pain and touches her cheek due to bruising after root canal therapy

It can start off as a severe toothache and then bring on swelling, sensitivity, and even a fever. A tooth infection can be extremely stressful — but root canal therapy is designed to help stop the infection in its tracks and save your smile.

Hermitage Dental Group offers gentle, pain-free root canal therapy at our dental office in Hermitage, TN! Let’s take a look at the root canal procedure and the post-op recovery process.

What Happens During Root Canal Therapy?

When you have an infected tooth, the infection can spread all the way to the pulp, or the soft innermost tissue of the tooth. Root canal therapy helps prevent an existing tooth infection from spreading deeper to the bone, which can result in tooth loss.

During root canal therapy, your dentist will drill a small hole in your tooth and flush out all of the infected tissue. To replace it, they will use a material called gutta-percha to fill the tooth. Lastly, they will then seal the root canal up with a composite filling. Depending on how much damage the tooth has sustained, your dentist may place a crown over your tooth to protect it.

Root Canal Post-Op Care

It will take a few days for your tooth to heal after a root canal. Immediately after your treatment is over, you might experience some swelling and pain, so we recommend you ice your cheeks to provide relief. You may also experience some bruising in the days following your procedure. Rest, eat soft foods, and brush gently around your tooth until it fully heals.

We’ll provide you with custom aftercare instructions, but please give us a call if you experience any complications after your treatment and we’ll get you in the office as soon as we can.

Affordable Root Canal Therapy in Hermitage, TN

If you have an infected tooth, we can help! Contact us to schedule an appointment and take a look at our flexible financing options to learn more about how we make our treatments as affordable as possible.