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the mildest form of periodontal disease is Gingivitis, and it can be treated by adopting a proper oral care routine at home! The first and the mildest stage of periodontal disease is Gingivitis. It begins with the swelling and bleeding in the gingiva or gums. It does not cause any pain, and people can treat with good oral home care. It is crucial for people with gingivitis to follow proper oral care at home and even visit a periodontist as untreated gingivitis can turn into severe periodontal disease. Delaying the treatment of Gingivitis for long can turn into a serious condition that leads to loss of teeth. The signs and symptoms of gingivitis include bright red or purple gums, inflammation in the gingiva, soft and receding gums.

What Is Gingivitis

Causes of Gingivitis

The accumulation of plaque is what leads to gingivitis. The accumulation of plaque around the teeth can lead to the destruction of gum tissue, gingival, and gums. Dental plaque is a biofilm of bacteria that prevent the harmful microorganisms from attacking the mouth. Removal of plaque is vital as it can pave the way for tooth decay, which can worsen the situation and lead to chronic periodontitis and infections in gums. Other causes may include hormonal changes, smoking, poor diet, and family history.

Types of Gingivitis

Gingivitis falls into two different types, each of which is a result of different conditions. Dental plaque-induced gingival disease and non-plaque induced gingival lesions are the two types of gingivitis. The dental plaque-induced disease is a result of plaque accumulation, malnutrition, and systematic factors. Non-plaque induced type is a result of fungus, bacterium, and due to exposed wounds.


People do not realize that treating gingivitis is crucial for maintaining oral health. Even though it is not a severe problem but leaving it untreated can pave the way for loose teeth and even loss of tooth in worst cases. Not treating the problem leads to several complications, such as infection in the gums and jaw bone. It even lays the ground periodontitis which is a severe form of periodontal disease. Loss of teeth and bone and ulceration of the gums are the problems that a patient of gingivitis may have to deal with!


Several studies have found a link between periodontal diseases and cardiovascular diseases. People need to address the problem of gingivitis to save themselves from severe periodontal diseases. Treating gingivitis is simple. If it is not a serious condition, good oral care at home can help make things better. However, the best approach is to opt for professional treatment. Minor procedures can help you achieve healthy gums!